Ghana is characterised best replica watches site by the UNAIDS classification scheme as having a low-level generalized HIV epidemic with HIV prevalence that consistently exceeds 1% among pregnant women. Sexual transmission remains the major mode of HIV transmission in Ghana. The majority of infections (72%) occur among the general, low risk populations. Prevalence is consistently higher among women than among men in all age groups Breitling replicas (2014 HIV Estimates in Ghana: 56% female, 44% male).
DHS 2014 reports a HIV prevalence of 2.0%. However, there are pockets of higher prevalence rates among Key Populations (KP), namely :
Vulnerable groups such as young boys and girls and female porters.
Men having sex with men (MSM): 17.5% and Omega Replica their female partners. MSM are one of the target groups of Ghana AIDS Commission, a Principal Recipient of the Global Fund.
Female sex workers (FSWs): 11.1%. Under the Global Fund financing, FSWs are targeted by Ghana AIDS Commission and ADRA.
Prison inmates: 2.3%. PPAG, a Principal Recipient of the Global Fund, provides HIV prevention activities for inmates of all 43 prisons in Ghana.
Most-at-risk youth (15-24 years),
our regions (Greater Accra, Eastern, Ashanti and Western Region) are disproportionally affected by the epidemic. They comprise 58% of the country’s population but include 75% of people living with HIV in Ghana as a whole. The four regions also contain replica watches for sale the hot spots for female sex workers and men who have sex with men.
Since 2003, when less than 1 in 10 women and men had ever been tested, there has been a consistent increase in the number of men and women who did an HIV test. According to DHS 2014, it is now 43% of the women and 20% of the men who got tested and received their result. This achievement is largely attributable to the scale up to now 2,335 testing sites (2009: 793).
In spite of all achievements, the 2014 Ghana Epidemiological and Impact Analysis highlights three risk factors of concern:
Low comprehensive knowledge of HIV with little increase over time;
Multiple Sexual Partnerships on the increase among men and
A declining trend in condom use especially among men. Among men and women with multiple partners, only 11% of women and 19% of men indicated that they used a condom at last intercourse.
Additionally, the underlying health and community systems continue to require strengthening: People living with HIV (PLHIV) and KPs continue to face stigma and discrimination.
AIDS Prevalence In Ghana
Ghana is characterised best replica watches site by the UNAIDS classification scheme as having a low-level generalized HIV epidemic with HIV prevalence that consistently exceeds 1% among pregnant women. Sexual transmission remains the major mode of HIV transmission in Ghana. The majority of infections (72%) occur among the general, low risk populations. Prevalence is consistently higher among women than among men in all age groups Breitling replicas (2014 HIV Estimates in Ghana: 56% female, 44% male).
DHS 2014 reports a HIV prevalence of 2.0%. However, there are pockets of higher prevalence rates among Key Populations (KP), namely :
Vulnerable groups such as young boys and girls and female porters.
Men having sex with men (MSM): 17.5% and Omega Replica their female partners. MSM are one of the target groups of Ghana AIDS Commission, a Principal Recipient of the Global Fund.
Female sex workers (FSWs): 11.1%. Under the Global Fund financing, FSWs are targeted by Ghana AIDS Commission and ADRA.
Prison inmates: 2.3%. PPAG, a Principal Recipient of the Global Fund, provides HIV prevention activities for inmates of all 43 prisons in Ghana.
Most-at-risk youth (15-24 years),
our regions (Greater Accra, Eastern, Ashanti and Western Region) are disproportionally affected by the epidemic. They comprise 58% of the country’s population but include 75% of people living with HIV in Ghana as a whole. The four regions also contain replica watches for sale the hot spots for female sex workers and men who have sex with men.
Since 2003, when less than 1 in 10 women and men had ever been tested, there has been a consistent increase in the number of men and women who did an HIV test. According to DHS 2014, it is now 43% of the women and 20% of the men who got tested and received their result. This achievement is largely attributable to the scale up to now 2,335 testing sites (2009: 793).
In spite of all achievements, the 2014 Ghana Epidemiological and Impact Analysis highlights three risk factors of concern:
Additionally, the underlying health and community systems continue to require strengthening: People living with HIV (PLHIV) and KPs continue to face stigma and discrimination.
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